Patients appreciate our courteous and educated staff.
We provide you with a scanner to make it easy to get your information to us.
All documents (New patient forms, Routing slips, EOBs, denials, etc).
All claims (primary and secondary) are processed daily.
Some claims are even paid the same day. Blue Cross of Arizona.
We recommend direct deposit to reduce staffs daily work.
Quick claim turn-around reduces accounts receivables. Cash flow is improved.
We follow up on any and all unpaid claims until paid.
We send patients monthly statements.
We take all your patient calls.
We are experienced with pain management coding & billing.
We have experience with Personal Injury cases.
We keep you informed on-line with our One-Minute-Manager.
We have been serving Physicians since 1990.
Doctors are keep up-to-date with monthly management reports.
We meet with our Doctors on a regular basis to review the reports.
We provide consulting on ways to improving your reimbursements.
How do I get there?
Switching billing services is not difficult!
Meet with us and we’ll show you the results you can expect.
We'll create a streamlined plan.
We provide the scanner that scans front, back, and in color.
Scanned files are transferred to us daily.
We do all the necessary paperwork.
Cash flow is not interrupted. It’s improved!
In many cases cash flow increases immediately
Dynamic Billing
Our scanner scans front, back and in color.
All documents are scanned into your computer and then are transferred to us on a daily basis. All originals are retained by your office as well as a copy on your computer. No courrier.
Dynamic Solutions With a Caring Touch.